Friday, August 8, 2008

Green apple splatters

Sorry for the lack of posts this week, I was infected with a stomach virus by my best friends urchin. This has kicked the crap out of me, literally and figuratively. I woke up around 3am on Tuesday expelling liquids from multiple orifices and it has only let up a bit over the past 4 days. I felt better on Wednesday night and over did it trying to get something other than rice and toast into my body (the only things I can seem to keep down). I took half of Tuesday off and squelched out of today in hopes of defeating this.

Something has got to give. My house is trashed, my wife has gone to see her mom and pops in Michigan, so I'm playing bachelor this weekend. Hopefully Cat won't come home to a skeleton of me covered in poop and vomit! Actually, I do feel a bit better today, the constant feeling of nausea is passing, I just don't want to risk doing too much and starting the whole cycle over again. So, when you think things are not going the way you want this weekend and you think it couldn't get much worse, be glad you're not on the crapper trying to figure out which end it's going to violently come out of! Sorry if this all got too graphic, but I think we've all been there at some point.


Anonymous said...

Oh, baby. I'm sorry you're so sick. You need to rest! I know that taking paid time to recover from urchin germs is a waste of paid time to use for fishing, but you have to take care of yourself.

I will miss you so much! I will call to check on you, and I'm going to let R & B know that it wouldn't hurt if they did too.

:) I love you!

Feather Chucker said...

That's kind of weird, I had a nasea all last week too. I didn't throw up though, I had constant feeling like I needed too. I even tried to make myself once, but all i did was dry heave. Not a good time. I finally felt better yesterday.