I started turning the garden over on yesterday, with hopes of turning another bed today. We (I) are lacking a tiller at the moment, so I'm going OOOOLLLLDDD school and turning it with a mattock, hoe, and a garden rake. If you read Fire Pit or Pit of Hell, you can see my praise of the mattock. Right now I'm cussing it. We have a fairly decent sized garden, and the thought of digging it out by hand makes me sore just thinking about it. I think it's something like 12'x70', so.... maybe 800 or so square feet to turn by hand. Oh well, I guess it will help me get into shape for spring fishing! We're still coming up with the game plan for the garden this year, but likely we're going to go with square foot type set up with "raised" beds 3'x4'. I'm not sure, but I am sure it will be entertaining no matter what!
I hope to go fishing this week. It breaks my heart that I have not caught a fish all year. Pathetic! This is the first time in something like 10 years that I've let my license expire. I'm hoping to hit the Tuck on Mon or Thurs with Adicus for some big bows and browns, if I can
remember how to set a hook. My next pattern will hopefully post this week. A steamer called the Hale-Bop that is absolutely deadly on stupid fish, particularly big brookies. I like to throw a size 6 or 8 in chartreuse, one of the uglier flies you'll ever see me throw. I've seen groups of brookies and browns coming after that ugly thing like a pack of wolves! Refer to photo below.
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